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The Bill 5x12
The Price You Pay
W.P.C. Martella visits a friend of hers, Alison Page, who has been badly beaten up. Alison is on the game, and her attacker was a client. D.S. Roach arrests the man, but he is a diplomat and the Home Office demands his release. D.I. Burnside tells Roach to warn Alison’s father, George Page, not to do anything stupid, but when the diplomat is beaten up, it is clear Roach did nothing to stop him. P.C. Stamp and P.C. Haynes investigate when a bookie claims his door has been glued shut. His disgruntled clients claim he hasn’t paid their winnings, but Stamp convinces them to go double or quits. The relief bets on the same dog, and it wins the race.
The Bill season 5
- 5x1Getting It RightJan 03, 1989
- 5x2A Reflection Of GloryJan 05, 1989
- 5x3One To OneJan 10, 1989
- 5x4The Mugging And The GypsiesJan 12, 1989
- 5x5The Chain Of CommandJan 17, 1989
- 5x6Life And DeathJan 19, 1989
- 5x7HotheadJan 24, 1989
- 5x8SteamersJan 26, 1989
- 5x9Duty ElsewhereJan 31, 1989
- 5x10Saturday BluesFeb 02, 1989
- 5x11N.F.A.Feb 07, 1989
- 5x12The Price You PayFeb 09, 1989
- 5x13The Key of the DoorFeb 14, 1989
- 5x14Cock-UpFeb 16, 1989
- 5x15RepercussionsFeb 21, 1989
- 5x16A Death In The FamilyFeb 23, 1989
- 5x17In The FrameFeb 28, 1989
- 5x18A Good ResultMar 02, 1989
- 5x19ConscienceMar 07, 1989
- 5x20Sunday, SundayMar 09, 1989
- 5x21ClimateMar 14, 1989
- 5x22Bad CompanyMar 16, 1989
- 5x23Suspicious MindsMar 21, 1989
- 5x24IntuitionMar 23, 1989
- 5x25LossMar 28, 1989
- 5x26ProcedureMar 30, 1989
- 5x27Luck Of The DrawApr 04, 1989
- 5x28No StringsApr 06, 1989
- 5x29Fool's GoldApr 11, 1989
- 5x30The VisitApr 13, 1989
- 5x31One For The LadiesApr 18, 1989
- 5x32No ShelterApr 20, 1989
- 5x33Out To LunchApr 25, 1989
- 5x34Free WheelApr 27, 1989
- 5x35Only A Bit Of ThievingMay 02, 1989
- 5x36CommunicationsMay 04, 1989
- 5x37Silver LiningMay 09, 1989
- 5x38Suffocation JobMay 11, 1989
- 5x39Mickey Would Have Wanted ItMay 16, 1989
- 5x40Blood TiesMay 19, 1989
- 5x41You'll Be BackMay 23, 1989
- 5x42Fort Apache - Sun HillMay 25, 1989
- 5x43WasteMay 30, 1989