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Kavanagh QC 2x1
True Commitment
The daughter of a wealthy Jewish businessman and her boyfriend plan to murder a member of the neo-Nazi opposition. They are successful in killing a 17-year-old skinhead at a demonstration, yet when Mark, the boyfriend, is arrested, he claims the killing was an accident. Meanwhile, the Kavanagh’s home life is abruptly ruffled by the news that Kate, an undergraduate at Cambridge, is having an affair with her married tutor.
Kavanagh QC season 2
- 2x1True CommitmentFeb 26, 1996
- 2x2Men of SubstanceMar 04, 1996
- 2x3The Burning DeckMar 11, 1996
- 2x4A Sense of LossMar 19, 1996
- 2x5A Stranger in the FamilyMar 26, 1996
- 2x6Job SatisfactionApr 02, 1996