Melvyn Douglas

I Never Sang for My Father

I Never Sang for My Father

Hackman plays a New York professor who wants a change in his life, and plans to get married to his girlfriend and move to California. His mother understands his need to get away, but warns him that moving so far away could be hard on his father. Just before the wedding, the mother dies. Hackman's sister (who has been disowned ...
Two-Faced Woman

Two-Faced Woman

A woman pretends to be her own twin sister to win back her straying husband.
That Uncertain Feeling

That Uncertain Feeling

A happily married woman sees a psychoanalyst and develops doubts about her husband.
Theodora Goes Wild

Theodora Goes Wild

The small-town prudes of Lynnfield are up in arms over 'The Sinner,' a sexy best-seller. They little suspect that author 'Caroline Adams' is really Theodora Lynn, scion of the town's leading family. Michael Grant, devil-may-care book jacket illustrator, penetrates Theodora's incognito and sets out to 'free her' from Lynnfield against her will. But Michael has a secret too, and gets ...
Woman in the Dark

Woman in the Dark

A recently released prisoner lives alone in his cabin so that his bad temper won't get him back in any more trouble, but his peaceful existence is disrupted when a mysterious woman arrives.
Να είσαι εκεί, κύριε Τσανς

Να είσαι εκεί, κύριε Τσανς

Ένας αγαθιάρης κηπουρός που η μόνη του επαφή με τον έξω κόσμο είναι η τηλεόραση,θα αναγκαστεί να αντιμετωπίσει την υποκρισία της κοινωνίας όταν ξαφνικά θα βρεθεί για πρώτη φορά έξω από το σπίτι του.
Άγριος σαν θύελλα

Άγριος σαν θύελλα

Μία πεθαμένη αγελάδα από άγνωστη αιτία θα αποτελέσει την εκκίνηση των γεγονότων που θα φέρει την οικογένεια των Bannon κοντά στη χρεοκοπία. Μετά από χρόνια σκληρής δουλειάς, το ράντσο τους κινδυνεύει με αφανισμό λόγω της εμφάνισης αφθώδους πυρετού. Μαζί με την οικονομική κρίση, θα αναβλύσουν όμως και όλα τα οικογενειακά προβλήματα.