Elyse Keaton
Steven Keaton
Alex P. Keaton
Mallory Keaton
Jennifer Keaton
Andy Keaton
Video trailer
Former 1960s flower children Steven and Elyse Keaton raise their conservative son Alex, daughters Mallory and Jennifer, and later, youngest child Andrew.
Original titleFamily Ties
First air dateSep. 22, 1982
Last air dateMay. 14, 1989
Seasons and episodes
1Season 1 Sep. 22, 1982
- 1 - 3Επεισόδιο 3Feb. 02, 2017
2Season 2 Sep. 28, 1983
- 2 - 6Επεισόδιο 6Aug. 22, 2017
- 2 - 8Το βιβλίο της επανάστασης: Κεφάλαιο πρώτο: Η έξοδοςDec. 04, 2018
- 2 - 22Working At ItMay. 10, 1984
3Season 3 Sep. 20, 1984
- 3 - 7Η εισβολή του κιθαρίσταNov. 09, 2009
4Season 4 Sep. 26, 1985
- 4 - 6Επεισόδιο 6Oct. 05, 2019
5Season 5 Sep. 25, 1986
- 5 - 11Ο εξαναγκασμός του ΣπέκερμανDec. 08, 2011
- 5 - 18Η μεταμόρφωση του λυκάνθρωπουFeb. 23, 2012
6Season 6 Sep. 13, 1987
- 6 - 1The Last of the Red Hot PsychologistsSep. 13, 1987
- 6 - 2Dear MallorySep. 20, 1987
- 6 - 14Anniversary WaltzDec. 16, 1987
- 6 - 15Miracle in ColumbusDec. 20, 1987
- 6 - 19Η αναδιαμόρφωση της ντουλάπαςMar. 14, 2013
7Season 7 Oct. 30, 1988
- 7 - 16Η δύναμη του τραπεζιούFeb. 27, 2014
- 7 - 22Wrap Around the ClockApr. 23, 1989
- 7 - 23Mr. Keaton Takes a VacationMay. 07, 1989
- 7 - 25Alex Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1)May. 14, 1989
- 7 - 26Alex Doesn't Live Here Anymore (2)May. 14, 1989