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The Royal 5x1
Loved and Lost
Dr. Ormerod returns to work after his accident, but when his brusque treatment of a hypochondriac schoolgirl ends in tragedy, it’s clear he still needs time to recover. New nurse Catherine Deane starts her rounds on the wards, and Mr. Middleditch has a surprise announcement to make.
The Royal season 5
- 5x1Loved and LostMar 12, 2006
- 5x2Cometh the Hour Cometh the ManMar 19, 2006
- 5x3Thinking Too HardMar 26, 2006
- 5x4Seeking RefugeApr 02, 2006
- 5x5FeverApr 09, 2006
- 5x6Letting GoApr 16, 2006
- 5x7Love Is All You NeedSep 17, 2006
- 5x8Waifs and StraysApr 30, 2006
- 5x9Winners and LosersOct 01, 2006
- 5x10Price of ProgressOct 08, 2006
- 5x11Keep On RunningOct 15, 2006
- 5x12From This Day ForwardOct 22, 2006