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The Royal 4x8
Everybody Needs Somebody
Matron is injured by a thief and Jeff fears he is gaining a bad reputation. Meanwhile, an outbreak of tubercolosis keeps the staff busy.
The Royal season 4
- 4x1For Better for WorseDec 05, 2004
- 4x2Beggars and ChoosersDec 12, 2004
- 4x3No Room For RaversDec 19, 2004
- 4x4The Rose QueenJan 09, 2005
- 4x5It's What's on the Inside That CountsJan 16, 2005
- 4x6Duty BoundJan 23, 2005
- 4x7Sins of the FatherJan 30, 2005
- 4x8Everybody Needs SomebodyFeb 06, 2005
- 4x9Say a Little PrayerFeb 13, 2005
- 4x10The Way We WereFeb 20, 2005
- 4x11Sinking FeelingFeb 27, 2005
- 4x12While the Cat's AwayMar 06, 2005