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The Life of Birds 1x9
The Problems of Parenthood
This episode looks at the problems birds face in raising their young. It ranges from parrots who are very active parents to cuckoos who are famous for foisting the job off on others.
The Life of Birds season 1
- 1x1To Fly or Not to Fly?Oct 21, 1998
- 1x2The Jerky GirlsJul 28, 2006
- 1x2The Mastery of FlightOct 28, 1998
- 1x3The Insatiable AppetiteNov 04, 1998
- 1x4Meat-EatersNov 11, 1998
- 1x5Fishing for a LivingNov 18, 1998
- 1x6Signals and SongsNov 25, 1998
- 1x7Finding PartnersDec 02, 1998
- 1x8The Demands of the EggDec 09, 1998
- 1x9The Problems of ParenthoodDec 16, 1998
- 1x10The Limits of EnduranceDec 23, 1998