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The Game 6x11
The Busted Episode
Tasha attempts to salvage her friendship with Pookie after it is revealed she has been cheating on him with Rick. Meanwhile, Jason and Chardonnay have it out over her involvement in Tasha’s love triangle. Finally, Keira and Blue each share their side of the break-up with Malik (at different times), while patronizing Drop Bar.
The Game season 6
- 6x1The BlueprintMar 26, 2013
- 6x7Welcome To The JungleApr 30, 2013
- 6x10The Preseason Game EpisodeMay 21, 2013
- 6x11The Busted EpisodeJul 02, 2013
- 6x12I'm Not Kelly PittsJul 09, 2013
- 6x13I Love Luke…AHH!Jul 16, 2013
- 6x14Photo-Shoot FreshJul 23, 2013
- 6x16A Swan Song For Rick And Tasha…Aug 06, 2013
- 6x17Miss Me A Little When I'm GoneAug 13, 2013
- 6x18In TreatmentAug 20, 2013
- 6x19Extra Butter…Extra Salt…Aug 27, 2013
- 6x20The Hospital EpisodeSep 03, 2013