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The Chaser's War on Everything 2x23

Episode 49

* Intro Joke; Late scratching from this week’s show: Charles Firth

* Change of names; Craig – Master O’Reilly, Chris – Purple Moon, Julian – Mahler, Chas – Zipping, Andrew – Mr Ed

* Intro; National Party members going rollerskating, interest rate rise, controversial comments made by Peter Garrett

o Stunt; Barricading the house of Glenn Stevens, governor of the Reserve Bank

o The Soundbite Challenge; New segment where The Chaser counts up how many times a politician has repeated the same word or soundbite in one press conference. 10 uses of the word “jocular” by Peter Garrett.

o Stunt; Telling jokes to Steve Price to find out if he has any sense of humour at all

* Stunt; Dumping various items of junk in a modern art gallery and passing them off as new exhibits

* Ad/Trailer; Bunnings Warehouse 1: Takeover of small businesses

* Stunt; Trying to bribe people on the street to vote for the Labour Party

* Ad/Trailer; Geraldine Doogue emulating Britney Spears

* What You Missed on Cable; Paranormal TV including Dead Famous, Most Haunted and Derek Acorah

* If Life Were a Musical; Gang warfare (à la West Side Story)

* The Fixers

o Media scrums: Addressing a question to Julia Gillard by way of a remote controlled robot

o Union bosses: Going trick-or-treating dressed as union bosses, to see how scary they really are

* Ad/Trailer; Bunnings Warehouse 2: Too busy making commercials to provide any customer service

* Stunt; Andrew dressing as Where’s Wally? and checking himself into a lost property office

* Sketch; Chris paying for live musical performances and podcasts on the train, because he doesn’t have an iPod

* Andrew Hansen’s Closing Comment; “And as always, I’d like to leave you with a funny quip, but unfortunately our writers have gone on strike.”

Nov. 07, 2007

The Chaser's War on Everything season 2

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