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The Bill 4x12
Hold Fire
P.C. Smith and P.C. Melvin are first on the scene of a traffic accident. The cars are on fire, and both officers risk their lives to rescue the occupants. One of the cars explodes, killing a passenger, knocking Smith unconscious and burning Melvin’s hands. One of the men they rescued is a big-time villain, and the F.I.O. (Fire Investigations Officer) reckons he had explosives in the boot. D.C. Carver and W.P.C. Martella stake out a pub, but get distracted playing video games. They eventually follow and arrest a man who is ripping off his employer. D.S. Roach attends the Met’s firearms training for renewal of his firearms authorisation. He fails spectacularly and his licence is revoked, but it’s clear he failed deliberately. At the hospital, Martella arrives to help Melvin keep an eye on their suspect, but they are distracted when a man high on drugs runs through the ward, and their villain disappears.
The Bill season 4
- 4x1Light DutiesJul 19, 1988
- 4x2The Three Wise MonkeysJul 21, 1988
- 4x3Good Will VisitJul 26, 1988
- 4x4Home Sweet HomeJul 28, 1988
- 4x5All in Good FaithAug 02, 1988
- 4x6Just Call Me GuvnorAug 04, 1988
- 4x7Caught Red HandedAug 09, 1988
- 4x8Homes and GardensAug 11, 1988
- 4x9Country CousinAug 16, 1988
- 4x10Alarms and EmbarrassmentsAug 18, 1988
- 4x11Stealing Cars and Nursery RhymesAug 23, 1988
- 4x12Hold FireAug 25, 1988
- 4x13Bad FaithAug 30, 1988
- 4x14RequiemSep 01, 1988
- 4x15TrespassesSep 06, 1988
- 4x16Save the Last Dance for MeSep 08, 1988
- 4x17RunaroundSep 13, 1988
- 4x18The TrapSep 15, 1988
- 4x19Community RelationsSep 20, 1988
- 4x20A Dog's LifeSep 22, 1988
- 4x21Trouble and StrifeSep 27, 1988
- 4x22Running LateSep 29, 1988
- 4x23They Say We're RoughOct 04, 1988
- 4x24Blue for a BoyOct 06, 1988
- 4x25Chasing the DragonOct 11, 1988
- 4x26The CoopOct 13, 1988
- 4x27The Quick and the DeadOct 18, 1988
- 4x28WitnessOct 20, 1988
- 4x29Here We Go Loopy LouOct 25, 1988
- 4x30Stop and SearchOct 27, 1988
- 4x31Spook StuffNov 01, 1988
- 4x32EvacuationNov 02, 1988
- 4x33Personal ImportsNov 08, 1988
- 4x34Paper ChaseNov 10, 1988
- 4x35IntruderNov 15, 1988
- 4x36ConflictNov 17, 1988
- 4x37DuplicatesNov 22, 1988
- 4x38SnoutNov 24, 1988
- 4x39Old HabitsNov 29, 1988
- 4x40The Silent GunDec 01, 1988
- 4x41An Old-Fashioned TermDec 06, 1988
- 4x42Getting StressedDec 08, 1988
- 4x43TigersDec 13, 1988
- 4x44Guessing GameDec 15, 1988
- 4x45The AssassinsDec 20, 1988
- 4x46OutmodedDec 22, 1988
- 4x47Digging Up the PastDec 27, 1988
- 4x48Taken Into ConsiderationDec 29, 1988