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Phineas and Ferb 1x39
One Good Scare Ought to Do It!
When Isabella falls prey to hiccups, Phineas and Ferb gather the kids together to help scare them out of her, using a remote controlled haunted house. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz sets out to destroy his mentor’s hideout, so that no one could discover his secrets, but not if Perry has something to say about it!
Phineas and Ferb season 1
- 1x27Crack That WhipMay 24, 2008
- 1x28The Best Lazy Day EverMay 24, 2008
- 1x29Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C.Jun 07, 2008
- 1x30Voyage to the Bottom of BufordJun 07, 2008
- 1x31A Hard Day's KnightJun 14, 2008
- 1x32Traffic Cam CaperJul 12, 2008
- 1x33Bowl-R-Rama DramaJul 12, 2008
- 1x34Got Game?Aug 02, 2008
- 1x35Comet KermilianAug 02, 2008
- 1x36Put That Putter AwayAug 10, 2008
- 1x37Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?Aug 10, 2008
- 1x38The Flying FishmongerSep 12, 2008
- 1x39One Good Scare Ought to Do It!Oct 03, 2008
- 1x40The Monster of Phineas-n-FerbensteinOct 17, 2008
- 1x41Oil on CandaceOct 17, 2008
- 1x42Out of ToonNov 07, 2008
- 1x43Hail Doofania!Nov 07, 2008
- 1x44Out to LaunchDec 05, 2008
- 1x45Phineas and Ferb Get BustedFeb 16, 2009
- 1x46Unfair Science FairFeb 17, 2009
- 1x47Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)Feb 18, 2009