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Mummies Alive! (1997) 1x22

Loss of Face

Scarab makes a potion to make him look young and handsome. The potion accidentally ends up on Nefer-Tina, and turns her beautiful. “”Wow, she looks 3000 years younger””, Armon says. Nefer-Tina goes to a nightclub. Everyone is amazed by her beauty. A girl from the Fad modelling agency is there, and almost overnight Nefer-Tina becomes a fashion marvel. She appears in fashion shows, on magazine covers, and is interviewed on “”Lifestyles of the Inexplicably Famous””. Scarab disguises himself as a photographer to go after her, and calls himself Ray Sphinx with “”Vague Magazine””.

Oct. 21, 1997

Mummies Alive! (1997) season 1

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