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La Femme Nikita 3x22
On Borrowed Time (2)
Michael and Nikita are sent on an operation to find out who a pharmaceutical plant owned by a company named Genefex and a supplier of Red Cell who is selling a biological weapon named Gandium, too. Unbeknownst to Michael and Nikita, the operation has a secondary objective, to end Michael and Nikita’s love affair once and for all. Once the mission objective is achieved, Nikita is sent to another part of plant, where Madeline is waiting to “”reprogram”” Nikita to eliminate her feelings for Michael. Meanwhile, Operations finally does the unthinkable, he sends Walter to “”retirement.”” Birkoff has other ideas, and he immediately sets about sabotaging Walter’s replacement, a young and innocent chap by the name of Giles.
La Femme Nikita season 3
- 3x1Looking for MichaelJan 03, 1999
- 3x2Someone Else's ShadowJan 10, 1999
- 3x3Opening Night JittersJan 17, 1999
- 3x4Gates of HellJan 24, 1999
- 3x5Imitation of DeathMar 07, 1999
- 3x6Love and CountryMar 21, 1999
- 3x7Cat and MouseMar 28, 1999
- 3x8Outside the BoxApr 04, 1999
- 3x9Slipping Into DarknessApr 11, 1999
- 3x10Under the InfluenceApr 25, 1999
- 3x11Walk On ByApr 25, 1999
- 3x12Threshold of PainJun 06, 1999
- 3x13Beyond the PaleJun 13, 1999
- 3x14Hand to HandJun 20, 1999
- 3x15Before I SleepJun 27, 1999
- 3x16I Remember ParisJul 18, 1999
- 3x17All Good ThingsJul 25, 1999
- 3x18Third Party RipoffAug 01, 1999
- 3x19Any Means NecessaryAug 08, 1999
- 3x20Three Eyed TurtleAug 15, 1999
- 3x21Playing with Fire (1)Aug 22, 1999
- 3x22On Borrowed Time (2)Aug 29, 1999