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Family Ties 6x15
Miracle in Columbus
The Christmas spirit has come to the Keaton house, where the family is busy baking Christmas cookies when Skippy stops by to ask a favor. He wants Alex to pinch-hit for him as Santa at the mall, and Alex agrees after hearing about the excellent hourly wage.
With Mallory and Jennifer along as his wall-paid elves, “”Santa”” Alex dispenses stock tips and financial advice to long lines of children. Besieged by kids with elaborate Christmas lists, Alex is surprised when he’s approached by a sad-looking little girl who insists she doesn’t want anything for Christmas and doesn’t believe in Santa Claus. Her mother explains that seven-year-old Michelle is very depressed that her father, a traveling salesman who is struggling to make a living, won’t be home for the holiday.
Family Ties season 6
- 6x1The Last of the Red Hot PsychologistsSep 13, 1987
- 6x2Dear MallorySep 20, 1987
- 6x14Anniversary WaltzDec 16, 1987
- 6x15Miracle in ColumbusDec 20, 1987
- 6x19Η αναδιαμόρφωση της ντουλάπαςMar 14, 2013