IMDb: 5199689 min2 views
A man with an important business meeting finds himself having to take care of the carpool for the neighborhood school children when his wife gets sick. Stopping to get donuts for the kids, things go even more awry when he finds himself a victim of a robbery. However, the situation only gets worse as a desperate man who had been ...

Men Of Respect
IMDb: 5.61990113 min2 views
In this modern day version of Shakespeare's Macbeth, a hitman heeds a spiritualist's prophesies that he will rise to the head of his family. He starts his ascension by clandestinely executing the heads of the family and casting the blame on others. However, with power comes consequences that are also predicted by the seer.

The Heroes
IMDb: 4.919732 views
Four soldiers and a beautiful Greek nurse, thrown together in North Africa during World War II, team up to pull off a heist of two-million pounds in boxes marked "plasma."

3 Into 2 Won’t Go
IMDb: 5.9196992 min2 views
Steve Howard, a British sales executive living in Manchester, England, begins an affair with a young hitchhiker, Elle Patterson, to emotionally get away from his marriage to his wife Francis. But when Elle moves into a room in Steve and Francis's house, he must keep the true nature of his relationship with Elle under wraps at all costs.

Back from Eternity
IMDb: 6.51956100 min3 views
A South American plane loaded with an assortment of characters crash lands in a remote jungle area in the middle of a storm. The passengers then discover they are in an area inhabited by vicious cannibals and must escape before they are found. A remake of Five Came Back (1939).

Τη Νύχτα που Γεννήθηκε ο Τρόμος: Το Εξοχικό Σπίτι του Μυστηρίου
IMDb: 6.21979117 min584 views
Μια οικογένεια νιόπαντρων μετακομίζουν σε ένα σπίτι όπου στο παρελθόν είχε γίνει μια δολοφονία που συγκλόνισε την μικρή κοινότητα της Amityville. Σύντομα αρχίζουν να συμβαίνουν ανεξήγητα φαινόμενα στο σπίτι.

Ιστορία ενός Εγκλήματος
IMDb: 8.01967109 min663 views
Σε µια µικρή πόλη του αµερικανικού νότου, ένα έγκληµα έχει διαπραχθεί. Όταν ο Βέρτζιλ Τιµπς, ένας καλοντυµένος έγχρωμος από τον βορρά φτάνει στην περιοχή, ο σερίφης Μπιλ Γκιλέσπι, λόγω των φυλετικών του προκαταλήψεων, τον συλλαµβάνει ως βασικό ύποπτο. Ο Βέρτζιλ, όµως, του αποκαλύπτει ότι είναι αστυνοµικός από τη Φιλαδέλφεια και προσφέρεται να τον βοηθήσει στις έρευνές του. Οι δύο άντρες ...