Robert Patrick

A Texas Funeral

A Texas Funeral

It's 1968 and the Whit clan are reuniting for the burial of Grandpa Sparta (Martin Sheen). But Sparta still has some secrets to reveal to his family and wisdom to impart to his grandson, in this whimsical comedy from the writer of The Bourne Identity.
Perfect Assassins

Perfect Assassins

When deadly terrorists strike, an FBI man, who is an expert on terrorist mentality, hunts their twisted "creator," who may be connected with a disgraced professor from his past.
Hong Kong 97

Hong Kong 97

Hong Kong 97 takes place in Hong Kong right before the transfer of power from Britain to China. Reginald Cameron, an assassin affiliated with a large corporation with interests in the colony, guns down key members of the Chinese envoy which will take charge of Hong Kong the next day. Suddenly, he becomes a target for every two-bit mercenary in ...
The Cool Surface

The Cool Surface

A writer returns to Hollywood after finishing his novel in the wilderness. Still smarting from his girlfriend's suicide and his publisher's criticisms of his novel, he becomes intrigued by the neighbor couple's abusive relationship.
Έντιμος Κλέφτης

Έντιμος Κλέφτης

Τον αποκαλούν ληστή In and Out, επειδή ο Tom Carter (Liam Neeson) έχει πολύ προσεκτικά κλέψει 9 εκατομμύρια δολάρια από τράπεζες μικρών πόλεων, ενώ παράλληλα κατάφερε να κρατήσει μυστική την ταυτότητά του. Καθώς ερωτεύεται την Annie (Kate Walsh), ο Tom αποφασίζει να κάνει ένα νέο ξεκίνημα, αφήνοντας πίσω του το εγκληματικό του παρελθόν και ζώντας μια τίμια ζωή. Όταν όμως ...