Robert Forster

It’s the Rage

It’s the Rage

A rich cross-section of urban USA find their lives changed when their fates collide at gunpoint. At the centre of it all are Helen and Warren Harding, an up-scale couple on the brink of divorce, whose awakening in the night by a burglar sets off a catastrophic series of events.


A team of specialists is dispatched to protect the leader of a Middle Eastern country from a neighboring dictator who has designs on his country.


In Alexandria, in 1938, Darley, a young British schoolmaster and poet, makes friends through Pursewarden, the British consular officer, with Justine, the beautiful and mysterious wife of a Coptic banker. He observes the affairs of her heart and incidentally discovers that she is involved in a plot against the British, meant to arm the Jewish underground in Palestine. The plot ...
El Camino: Μια Ταινία του Breaking Bad

El Camino: Μια Ταινία του Breaking Bad

Ο Τζέσι Πίνκμαν δραπέτευσε και προσπαθεί να ξεπεράσει το παρελθόν. Σε σενάριο και σκηνοθεσία του δημιουργού του "Breaking Bad" Βινς Γκίλιγκαν. Πρωταγωνιστεί ο Άαρον Πολ.