Nigel Bennett

Post Impact

Post Impact

Meteor Bay-Leder 7 struck earth on October 18th, 2012. Causing earthquakes, tidal waves, and a dust cloud that soon covered most of the Northern hemisphere, it changed the face of our planet forever.
Newton : A Tale of Two Isaacs

Newton : A Tale of Two Isaacs

As Newton devotes himself to the difficult and solitary path of challenging the existing view of the universe and proving his own theories on celestial movement and gravity, his young scribe Humphrey wavers between pursuing science or following his heart.
Flood: A River’s Rampage

Flood: A River’s Rampage

After heavy rain, the Mississippi is breaking it's banks flooding small towns. Richard Thomas and Kate Vernon realise their town is next on the hit list. Lots and lots of sand bags might not do the trick but a huge explosion might. In the meantime the plot is filled up with a predictable story about a family dreading their mistake ...
Her Desperate Choice

Her Desperate Choice

Despite allegations of child sexual abuse against Jody's ex-husband Marcus, the court orders joint custody of their daughter Samantha. Jody faces a choice of turning Samantha over to Marcus or taking her on the run and risk kidnapping charges. Pursued by both the FBI and a private detective, Jody and Samantha are hunted, fleeing from town to town with the ...
Harrison Bergeron

Harrison Bergeron

"All men are not created equal. It is the purpose of the Government to make them so." This is the premise of the Showtime film adaption of Kurt Vonnegut's futuristic short story Harrison Bergeron. The film centers around a young man (Harrison) who is smarter than his peers, and is not affected by the usual "Handicapping" which is used to ...
Between Love and Honor

Between Love and Honor

Steve Collura is an undercover cop out to infiltrate Carlo Gambino's mob. He soon falls in love with Gambino's daughter Maria and must make a choice between his duties as a police officer, his love for Maria, and his allegiance to Carlo Gambino.
Η Μορφή Του Νερού

Η Μορφή Του Νερού

Εγκλωβισμένη σε μια μοναχική, μονότονη ζωή, η Ελάιζα (Σάλι Χόκινς) εργάζεται ως καθαρίστρια σε ένα μυστικό κυβερνητικό εργαστήριο υψηλής ασφαλείας. Η ζωή της αλλάζει δραματικά όταν η ίδια και η συνάδελφός της, η Ζέλντα (Οκτάβια Σπένσερ), ανακαλύπτουν μία αυστηρά απόρρητη κυβερνητική υπόθεση: ένα αμφίβιο πλάσμα (Νταγκ Τζόουνς) που είναι καταδικασμένο να μείνει φυλακισμένο στις εγκαταστάσεις ώσπου να αρχίσουν τα πειράματα ...