Mimi Kuzyk
A Different Loyalty
In January 1963, British journalist Leo Cauffield suddenly disappears from his home in Beirut. His wife Sally knew that he was working part-time for British intelligence, but was not prepared to be told by the British embassy that they suspect he has defected to Communist Russia. As his wife puts together the pieces of the mysterious jigsaw of the past, ...
The Time Shifters
Tom Merrick gets caught up in a time-traveling conspiracy and must set the timeline right before it is irrevocably altered.
My Date with the President’s Daughter
Duncan is just an ordinary high school student. Hallie dreams of an ordinary life, but is actually the daughter of the president of the United States, living with a high profile and a rigid schedule. The unlikely pair happen to meet at the local mall, and Duncan nervously asks Hallie out, unaware of her family situation. When their eventual date ...
Her Desperate Choice
Despite allegations of child sexual abuse against Jody's ex-husband Marcus, the court orders joint custody of their daughter Samantha. Jody faces a choice of turning Samantha over to Marcus or taking her on the run and risk kidnapping charges. Pursued by both the FBI and a private detective, Jody and Samantha are hunted, fleeing from town to town with the ...