Michael Douglas

Dinosaurs Alive

Dinosaurs Alive

See the earliest creatures of the Triassic Period to the monsters of the Cretaceous in a ‘life-sized’ IMAX ® presentation. Join renowned paleontologists as they discover new fossils and uncover evidence that dinosaur descendants are still among us. Realistic and scientifically-accurate computer generated animation brings dinosaurs back to life…in a big way!
The Streets of San Francisco

The Streets of San Francisco

Two police officers, the older Lt. Stone and the young upstart Inspector Keller, investigate murders and other serious crimes in San Francisco. Stone would become a second father to Keller as he learned the rigors and procedures of detective work.


An Olympic hopeful marathon runner hopes his success will be the answer to his marriage woes and other personal problems.
When Michael Calls

When Michael Calls

A woman begins to receive ominous phone calls from her nephew, who died 15 years earlier. With each phone call, a family member dies. Will she be the next in line?
Το Παιχνίδι

Το Παιχνίδι

Ο Νίκολας Βαν Όρτον (Μάικλ Ντάγκλας) είναι ζάμπλουτος αλλά ζει μια ζωή μοναχική και απομακρυσμένη από τους ανθρώπους που κάποτε τον πλαισίωναν. Στα 48α γενέθλιά του τον επισκέπτεται ο μικρότερος αδερφός του, Κόνραντ (Σον Πεν), και του κάνει δώρο το τηλέφωνο μιας εταιρίας που οργανώνει ένα "παιχνίδι". Η περιέργεια θα ωθήσει τον Νίκολας να δει περί τίνος πρόκειται και δίχως ...