Melody Anderson

The Boy in Blue

The Boy in Blue

Ned Hanlan was Canada's most successful sculling champion at the turn of the 20th century. This dramatization of his life begins in his youth, when the wild young man is informally adopted by a gambler who promotes Ned on the sculling circuit, betting on the boy's rowing skills solely to make money off him. Later, a ruthless businessman named Knox ...
Beverly Hills Madam

Beverly Hills Madam

A bordello catering to rich and wealthy clients, run by Lil Hutton experiences a series of crises as one girl ends up pregnant, and another dead. As a subplot, a young woman, Julie Taylor, makes a trip to LA to surprise a friend, but never finds her. Julie is mugged, and seeks help from Lil Hutton. She sees how much ...
Φλας Γκόρντον

Φλας Γκόρντον

Ο μοχθηρός Μινγκ βάζει στόχο την καταστροφή της Γης. Ο Φλας και η γοητευτική ερωμένη του θα κάνουν τα πάντα για να αποτρέψουν αυτό το ενδεχόμενο. Το διάστημα μετατρέπεται σε πεδίο μάχης και η περιπέτεια ξεκινά...