Marton Csokas

Dead Europe

Dead Europe

In Greece to scatter his father's ashes, Isaac hears of a curse that hangs over the head of his family. Dismissing the idea, his trip begins to unveil dark truths that forced his father to flee years ago.
South Solitary

South Solitary

Meredith is a 35 year-old unmarried woman who arrives at a remote lighthouse island 1928 with her uncle the new head keeper.
Garage Days

Garage Days

The story of a young Sydney band trying to get a foothold in the competitive world of rock n' roll. After the band's first gig is a colossal failure, the lead singer takes it upon himself to go out and pursue the most successful rock manager in the country. Meanwhile, the other members of the band continue to deal with ...
Dark Crimes

Dark Crimes

Ο Jim Carey ενσαρκώνει έναν αστυνομικό εν ονόματι Tadek. Ο επιθεωρητής αυτός βρίσκει ομοιότητες ανάμεσα σε έναν ανεξιχνίαστο φόνο και την πλοκή ενός αστυνομικού μυθιστορήματος που φέρει την υπογραφή του συγγραφέα Krystov Kozlow (Marton Csokas). Καθώς ο Tadek προσπαθεί να εντοπίσει τον Kozlow και την κοπέλα του, τον πλησιάζει μία αινιγματική γυναίκα που εργάζεται σε έναν οίκο ανοχής (Charlotte Gainsbourg), ...