John Diehl

Anywhere but Here

Anywhere but Here

Single mother Adele August is bad with money, and even worse when it comes to making decisions. Her straight-laced daughter, Ann, is a successful high school student with Ivy League aspirations. When Adele decides to pack up and move the two of them from the Midwest to Beverly Hills, Calif., to pursue her dreams of Hollywood success, Ann grows frustrated ...
Female Perversions

Female Perversions

Eve Stephens, a beautiful and sexy high-powered attorney, is up for appointment as a judge. But below her veneer of self-confidence lies a darker side, one in which she is driven by bizarre visions and sexual fantasies. After a series of events, including rescuing her sister Madelyn after her arrest for shoplifting, being rejected by her lover John during a ...
Δύο τρελοί… τρελοί κομάντος!

Δύο τρελοί… τρελοί κομάντος!

Λόγω χρόνιας κακοτυχίας κι εργασιών που δεν οδηγούν πουθενά, ο Τζον πείθει τον κολλητό του, Ράσελ, να καταταγούν στον στρατό, κυρίως για να διατηρούνται σε φόρμα. Πηγαίνοντας εκεί, βρίσκονται σε μια κατασκήνωση μέσα στη φύση κι ο Τζον καταφέρνει να γίνει ο ανεπίσημος ομαδάρχης της διμοιρίας, η οποία αποτελείται κυρίως από «χαμένους» τύπους.