IMDb: 6.22003103 min2 views
The year is 1955, and a great flood is coming to Northfork, Montana. A new hydroelectric dam is about to be installed in the mountains above the town, ready to submerge the valley in the name of progress. It is the responsibility of a six-man Evacuation Committee to relocate the townsfolk to higher ground. Most have duly departed, but a ...

Hercules: Zero to Hero
IMDb: 6.2199970 min2 views
The film briefly gives Hercules' history after defeating Hades for good, in which he marries Meg and revisits his teenage years. In particular, it shows an adolescent Hercules's enrollment and the beginning of his adventures at the Prometheus Academy, a school for gods and mortals, which Hercules supposedly attended during the time when he was training to be a hero ...

Race to Space
IMDb: 5.42001104 min2 views
In the 1960s a young woman works at NASA as an animal trainer responsible for the chimpanzee who will go into space.

Next Door
IMDb: 5.7199495 min1 views
Matt and Karen have inconsiderate neighbours whose lawn sprinkler drowns their flowers. A feud errupts and a series of tit-for-tat actions develop and escalate.

Ηρακλής: Πέρα από τον μύθο
IMDb: 7.3199793 min2059 views
Ο θερμοκέφαλος Άδης κλέβει το μωρό-Ηρακλή από τους γονείς του (Δια-Ήρα) για να μην τον εμποδίσει στα μελλοντικά του σχέδια καταστροφής του Δία. Τα σχέδια αυτά όμως αποτυγχάνουν στην πορεία καθώς ο νεαρός πια Ηρακλής με την βοήθεια του δασκάλου του Φιλ –από το Φιλοκτήτης- και του αλόγου του Πήγασου, προσπαθεί να σώσει τους θεούς του Ολύμπου από τους Τιτάνες