Dem Rădulescu

Circus Performers at the North Pole

Circus Performers at the North Pole

In the sequel to Saltimbancii (1981), Fram the polar bear and the performing Marcellonis weather plotting competetors, bumbling kidnappers and family tragedy in this entertaining family film.
Tonight We’ll Celebrate in the Family

Tonight We’ll Celebrate in the Family

The main characters are two "Don Juans", professional "fiancees", who travel the country in search of desperate women willing to spend money to find their soulmates.
The Secret of Bacchus

The Secret of Bacchus

Victor, an incisive journalist, discovers a series of irregularities in a State farming enterprise. His investigations will unmask the fraud committed by the person in charge of the wine section, called Bachus. Although aided by an impressive number of cronies, Bachus will not be able to hide forever infamous secret.
Chirița în Iași

Chirița în Iași

Pretentious Chirita weaves big matrimonial plans, because oh, oh what a pain / to have unmarried girls!. Dissatisfied with the boyars who aspire to the hand of her daughters, she descends in Iasi with the opportunity to find them better suitors. Entanglements, chases, travesties, fainting, tricks, twirls, romances, serenades, a king of triviality given as humor and irony. Written by ...
Cucoana Chirița

Cucoana Chirița

The Bârzoi manor comes back to life when the lady of the house, Chirița, sends news that she will be soon coming back from Paris. As the City of Light has changed her views on the world, the family and the help must follow.
Circus Performers

Circus Performers

A circus family encounters hard times and family strife, but is brought into the limelight through their chance encounter with a polar bear cub.
Veronica Comes Back

Veronica Comes Back

Fleeing into the woods to save duckling stolen by Madame Fox (Vasilica Tastaman), Veronica (Lulu Mihăescu) gives Cricket (Florian Pittiş), the queen ants (Margaret Pâslaru) and Danila dangerous cat (Dem Radulescu) who intones that all Popa Themistocles other choruses. Tudor Caranfil - 2002 (Dictionary of Romanian films)