Dee Wallace

The Boarder

The Boarder

Inspired by true-life events, this is the sobering story of the Williams family and their process of coping with an adopted child suffering from Reactive Attachment Disorder.
The Lost

The Lost

A charismatic psycho suspected of killing two innocent campers in a cold-blooded double homicide grows increasingly unstable as his suburban empire starts to crack at the foundations.




Chrysty walks through the desert carrying nothing and heading nowhere. She enters a very small town called Silver City. The local community of women is intrigued by the sudden arrival of an attractive stranger and they find out that Chrysty left a husband and three kids behind. One of the women, McGill, calls Chrysty's husband, West to tell him where ...
Stranger on My Land

Stranger on My Land

A Vietnam veteran has to fight peacefully with words once more when the Air Force wants to expropriate his ranch for the construction of an air base.