Colleen Collins

The Farm of Tomorrow

The Farm of Tomorrow

A series of gags showing how much more productive farms would be if farmers started crossbreeding their animals to create weird (but very useful) hybrids. This cartoon is one of Avery's future technology cartoons including The House of Tomorrow, The Car of Tomorrow and T.V. of Tomorrow.
Little Rural Riding Hood

Little Rural Riding Hood

The last of Tex Avery's variations on "Red Hot Riding Hood" (1943), in which the country wolf visits his city cousin, who tries to teach him the rudiments of civilized behavior when watching girls in nightclubs - without, it has to be said, a great deal of success...
The Counterfeit Cat

The Counterfeit Cat

A cat steals the headpiece of a dog to deceive the bulldog Spike and get a chance to eat the canary Spike is guarding.