Captain Kidd
IMDb: 6.3194589 min1 views
Cutthroat pirate William Kidd captures Admiral Blayne's treasure ship and hides the bounty in a cave. Three years later, Kidd, posing as a respectable merchant captain, offers his services to the King of England. Seeking a social position, Kidd also negotiates for Blayne's title and lands, provided he can prove Blayne was associated with piracy. Launched upon his royal mission, ...

The Tuttles of Tahiti
IMDb: 6194291 min4 views
After a long absense from the island, Chester Tuttle returns to Tahiti to find that little has changed. His large family, particularly his scheming Uncle Jonas, would rather dance and romance than earn a living. When Jonas loses the family plantation in a cockfight, Chester saves the day by towing in a large ship abandoned at sea and claiming the ...

IMDb: 7.91960197 min813 views
Ένας σκλάβος από τη Θράκη, ο Σπάρτακος (Kirk Douglas), πουλιέται σε έναν εκπαιδευτή μονομάχων. Μετά από εβδομάδες εκπαίδευσης, ο Σπάρτακος στρέφεται ενάντια στους ιδιοκτήτες και παρακινεί όλους τους σκλάβους να επαναστατήσουν. Έτσι δημιουργείται μια μεγάλη εξέγερση των σκλάβων που ταρακουνά τα θεμέλια της Ρωμαϊκής αυτοκρατορίας.