Alec McCowen

Travels with My Aunt

Travels with My Aunt

At his mother's funeral, stuffy bank clerk Henry Pulling meets his Aunt Augusta, an elderly eccentric with more-than-shady dealings who pulls him along on a whirlwind adventure as she attempts to rescue an old lover.
The Witches

The Witches

Following a nervous breakdown, Gwen takes up the job of head teacher in the small village of Haddaby. There she can benefit from the tranquillity and peace, enabling her to recover fully. But under the facade of idyllic country life she slowly unearths the frightening reality of village life in which the inhabitants are followers of a menacing satanic cult ...


Είναι η προτελευταία ταινία του Χίτσκοκ και ταυτόχρονα η πρώτη ταινία που γύρισε στην Αγγλία αφού επέστρεψε από τις ΗΠΑ.