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America's Got Talent 10x19
Live Performances 3
The remaining 12 acts perform live, looking to win America’s votes and a spot in the semifinals.
America's Got Talent season 10
- 10x2Auditions Week 2Jun 02, 2015
- 10x4Extreme AuditionsJun 16, 2015
- 10x12Ten-Year Anniversary SpecialJul 29, 2015
- 10x14World's Got TalentAug 05, 2015
- 10x17Live Performances 2Aug 18, 2015
- 10x18Live Results 2Aug 19, 2015
- 10x19Live Performances 3Aug 25, 2015
- 10x22Live Semifinal Results Week 1Sep 02, 2015
- 10x25Finale PerformancesSep 15, 2015
- 10x26Finale ResultsSep 16, 2015